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Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to be a professional writer to join the workshop?

We welcome writers at all levels! Everyone is a beginner at some point and we are here to help you grow. Our only restriction on writers is that they are over the age of 18 so we do not need to censor readers. 

What genres does this workshop accept?

Did you write it? Then yes! As part of our read and critique, we accept your work. We do not allow the reading of hate speech. We allow the reading of genres such as fantasy, sci-fi, short story, poetry, script-writing, blogs, and more. As long as you aren't trying to convert your audience to a religion, occult, or hate a marginalized group, then your genre is most likely accepted!

How long do the meetings last?

Our goal is to keep our weekly meetings at two hours or fewer. Each reading room will have a max of four readers to assist with this. 

How much time do I have to read?

The total time allotted to each reader is 20 minutes. We give you a maximum of 15 minutes to read, which would provide a minimum of 5 minutes of critique. The shorter the read, the more time for critique. 

Do I need to be traditionally publishing to join?

Whether you are self-publishing, traditional publishing, or writing for yourself, you are accepted here. 

What does this workshop offer to its members?

For members, we have a weekly "read and critique" where members can read their work and be critiqued by other writers. Visitors can sit in on these meetings but will not be able to speak except during break.


Members also have access to a discussion forum which is full of resources to assist in their writing careers.


All members can vote and have their voices heard after being a part of the group consistently for three months.

What is expected of members?

Remember the human experience! We are all humans that have our own thoughts and ideas. Microaggressions happen, and we should all be respectful to one another even when a mistake is pointed out. 


We also want our members to be a part of our community. This workshop could never be successful without its membership. Every member has their own personal experiences to contribute to the workshop, whether that be through critiques, the forum, or blog. YOU are what makes the workshop so great. 

How do I become a member?

Please go to the Membership tab in order to become a member! We have set the subscriptions up for monthly or yearly dues. 

How do I join the zoom meetings?

Please go to the Workshop Read Sign Up tab in order to select the date you would like to attend as well as whether or not you'll be reading. Only members can read. 

Is AWOW a part of DFW Writer's Workshop

Although many members were originally from the DFW Writer's workshop, the officers of this organization went a different route and are continuing to do in-person-only workshops. This group is its own organization which is separate.

Will you ever have in-person meetings?

We are an online organization. This does not mean we will never have in-person gatherings. However, this will be done with the knowledge that not everyone can come because this is an international organization. 

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