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All Writers Online Workshop Bylaws

Under a resolution adopted by the board of directors of the All Writers Online Workshop, Kimberly Moravec and Charlie Hilliard (herein called “we”) adopt the following as bylaws. 

Article I.

Section 1. Name. The name of the organization shall be All Writers Online Workshop.

Article II.

Section 1. Purpose. We have organized the All Writers Online Workshop to operate for charitable purposes, including but not limited to:

  1. A website where our writers are able to sign up to read, have virtual resources available to them, as well as a place where AWOW advertises their work and accomplishments. 

  2. A platform for our members to meet virtually, talk with one another, and read/critique each other's work.

  3. An educational platform where AWOW brings in speakers to talk to our members and educate them on the ever-changing world of writing.

Article III.

Section 1. Mission Statement. All Writers Online Workshop provides a virtual space for writers to meet to discuss their work, share ideas, and join classes to help improve their writing. The organization members also have access to a community-built forum which helps to share knowledge, ideas, and resources to help these writers continue to improve and grow.

Article IV.
Directors and

Section 1. Directors and Agent. The directors of All Writers Online Workshop are Kimberly Moravec and Charlie Hilliard. The registered agent is Charlie Hilliard.

Section 2. Served. Should the All Writers Online Workshop be sued, the Agent is Charlie Hilliard at the address 8851 Branchwood Trail, Fort Worth, Texas 76116.

Article V.
Disposal of

Section 1. Disposal of Funds. Should the All Writers Online Workshop cease to operate, the funds will be donated to a 501(3)(c) that also assists writers in their development. 

Article VI.
Use of Funds

Section 1. Use of Funds. Funds must be used for the good of the membership. 

Section 2. Care of Funds. Funds will be managed by the directors with accounting available upon request by members and governing officials. 

Article VII.
of Membership

Section 1. Expectations of Membership. Expected conduct is listed on the website. For someone to be a member, they must be caught up on their membership dues. 

Section 2. Process of Removal. Member removal is subject to a majority vote by directors. 

Section 3. Membership Feedback. Feedback is always welcome either verbally or through the website. 

Section 4. Membership Voting. When dues, bylaws, and meeting times are subject to change, a vote is required by members in good standing. Only members who have paid their dues for two-months may vote. A majority ruling based on participating members is required for changes to pass. 

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